Juliettes are independent Girl Scouts. Juliettes work with a mentor to determine the projects that they would like to pursue based on their time and interests. They are encouraged to attend council-sponsored events and programs. They can also work independently to achieve Girl Scout awards and badges. Newsletters and events keep independent Girl Scouts connected to the Movement.
Here are different membership types:
Traditional Troops meet in schools, churches or homes during the school year. Girls are usually one age level, Daisies, Brownies, Juniors or Teen Girl Scouts. Troops are typically led by parent volunteers or family members. Girls plan projects together which include earning petals, Try-Its or badges.
Community Troops include girls of all age levels and generally meet once a month in a public meeting place such as a library or community center. Under the guidance of community volunteers, girls work together on a variety of cool projects to discover, connect and take action.
Campers participate in our outdoor education and camping programs. This is an opportunity for those who enjoy camping, hiking and other outdoor activities. Opportunities are available for individual Girl Scouts or as part of a troop or group experience. It’s an awesome way to get out and make new friends in the great outdoors. Campers are welcome to attend all other council-sponsored events.
Trippers explore our community through day trip experiences. Connect with other girls who like to take local adventures and learn about Tucson and surrounding areas. Girls plan their monthly trips with the help of volunteers. This is a great Journey for girls and short-term volunteers. Volunteers participate according to their interest in sharing knowledge and experiences with girls.